Bronwen Thomas
Dr Bronwen Thomas has published on new media narratives, participatory cultures and online reading communities, including a study of a forum dedicated to the contemporary American writer, Mark Danielewski. She has an extensive list of international contacts working with empirical approaches (members of the Poetics and Linguistics Association and the International Society for the Empirical Study of Literature and Media; Salway and Herman who contributed a chapter to a collection of essays she co-edited) and with fans and online communities.
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Julia Round
Dr Julia Round has published on cross-media adaptation, television and discourse analysis, the ‘graphic novel’ redefinition of comics, and the digital transformations apparent in comics publishing. She is editor of the academic journal Studies in Comics and brings expertise particularly in relation to the blurring of boundaries between genres and media, but also in addressing the specific practices and needs of readers of multimodal texts which often lie on the margins of the ‘literary’.
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